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Cottage Cheese Recipe

April 9, 2021

Cottage cheese is fresh cheese. It is not pressed or ripened like most cheeses. It is an awesome cheese to make for beginners in cheese making. As its name says, even a cottager can make it. However, you would need a good lactic acid bacteria to make a stunning quality cottage cheese- one that is…

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Raw Milk Cheese: Dangerous or Delicious?

March 21, 2021

Imagine the burst of that tangy and creamy cheese flavors as you take a bite of your well-loved cheeses from your cheese board. The more flavorful the cheese, the more consumers love them. One main factor affecting the flavor of cheese is the kind of milk used to make it. Advocates of raw milk stand…

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Top 10 Cheese Making Regions in Australia

March 21, 2021

Cheese is a big industry in Australia. According to Dairy Australia, every Australian consumes an average of 14 kg of cheese per year. That’s a lot of cheese! Because of its high demand, the country produces about 344,000 tons of cheese in different varieties. Australia produces some of the best cheeses in the world, and…

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Cheese Making History in Australia

March 12, 2021

Australia is a country where you get a wide range of artisan food products. Cheese is not an exception. There are hundreds of cheese makers in Australia, so Australians never get mass processed bland cheese. When did this vibrant and innovative industry begin in the country? Before we talk about cheese making in Australia, let’s…

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All About Gruyere cheese

June 25, 2020

Cheeses have been around for thousands of years. Over the years, there are many varieties of cheese that have emerged. Currently, there are about 1800 plus varieties of cheese. And although all these cheeses are good, there are some that just set themselves apart from the rest. One such cheese is Gruyere cheese.   Gruyere…

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Facts About Gouda Cheese

June 24, 2020

Gouda cheese is a semi hard cheese that originated in and got its name from Gouda Netherlands which is located in northern France. The earliest recordings of this cheese dates back to 1184. As such, it is considered as one of the oldest types of cheese in the world.   Gouda cheese is mainly made…

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What is Feta Cheese

May 31, 2020

Feta cheese is a brined, white cheese that has a soft, creamy and slightly grainy texture. It is tangy and has a rich and mildly salted flavour. This type of soft cheese is typically used as table cheese for Greek salad and pastries. Most of the time, it is served with either olives or olive…

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What Is Camembert Cheese

May 30, 2020

Camembert Cheese is a type of soft cheese. It originated in France, particularly in Normandy, Camembert. It was first created by Marie Harel in 1791. She used unpasteurised cow’s milk to make the first camembert cheese. Camembert cheese has now been given an AOC designation. AOC stands for Appellation d’Origine ContrĂ´lĂ©e which is a food…

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Reasons for Making Cheese At Home

May 28, 2020

Have you ever tried making cheese at home? Well, chances are, you’re like everyone else. Though you may love cheese, you are unaware about the art that goes along with making this amazing food. This is due to the fact that it is easy to find mass produced cheese in local stores. Nevertheless, do you…

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Eating Cheese Paves Way for Healthy Bones

May 21, 2020

Many people are sceptical including cheese in their day to day diet. Although food is one of the most popular foods in the world; it is often mistaken as a comfort food. But contrary to popular beliefs, cheese is one of the most recommended food to include to have a healthy diet. This food is…

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Eye Benefits of Cheese

May 19, 2020

Cheese is one of the most favourite foods in the entire world. It’s hard to meet individuals who don’t like cheese. In fact, cheese has become a vital part of Australian diet. It’s almost always included in every meal.   One of the common reasons why people love cheese is because they offer unique flavours…

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How Parmesan Cheese is Made

May 18, 2020

Parmigiano-Reggiano, popularly known as Parmesan Cheese, is a hard granular cheese that originated in Italy. This popular cheese was thought to have existed since the middle ages in Bibbiano, in the province of Reggio Emilia. This type of hard cheese is commonly grated and used over pasta dishes and salads. It’s also stirred in soups…

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