Bioprox M272




Traditional Cheddar, Farmhouse Cheddar, Stirred Curd Cheddar, English acid styles, UK territorial styles, Colby, Brick, Monterey Jack, Farmers, Limburger, Camembert, Brie, Blue cheese, Cottage cheese, sour cream, milled curd, washed curd styles, cultured butter, can be used in white mould cheeses.

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SKU: M272 Categories: ,


Traditional Cheddar, Farmhouse Cheddar, Stirred Curd Cheddar, English acid styles, UK territorial styles, Colby, Brick, Monterey Jack, Farmers, Limburger, Camembert, Brie, Blue cheese, Cottage cheese, sour cream, milled curd, washed curd styles, cultured butter, can be used in white mould cheeses,


Equivalent names of alternative starter cultures

Type B, MM 100, MM101


Species contained in the culture

LL + LC + LD


Mesophile / Thermophile



Optimum growth temperature

25c (20c to 35c)


Fermentation Type


Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg