Comprehensive Starter Report


SKU: Comprehensive report Category:


Comprehensive report is designed for starting businesses. It offers a comprehensive information, and our clients highly rated it.


The Important take here is that there is no such thing as two of the same cheese factories. The report will focus on your business ideas and available resources. Starting a new factory is not cheap and using any asset already on site may be great cash saver.


Report will cover topics on:

  • Recommendation of products to start making (cash flow and revenue is key point here)
  • Two dairy recipes for the above recommended products
  • Equipment required to make the above products
  • Estimate on costing
  • Production space layout – basic drawings assuming 6mX6m building
  • Milestones: How I would stage the project development and my estimates on time required


Where from here..

First, we would book a phone/zoom meeting with you. This usually takes an hour. This is the best time for you to share your business ideas with us. We will ask questions to get head around your current setup.

Then we will start drafting a report dedicated to your business! It usually takes us seven days to complete the report. We will email this in pdf form.

At the end of this process we will schedule a half an hour catch-up with you. Again you may ask questions related to the report.