240V Single Phase Cheese Vat for Sale
Single phase cheese vat profesional equipment for small and medium size producers.
You tube clip presenting kettle – click here
- Our cheese making vat can save money and space when you pasteurize and make cheese all in one vat
- Made of 304 or 316 marine grade stainless steel
- avaiable in 100ltr, 200ltr, 500ltr and 1000ltr versions
- Food grade wheel
- large butterfly valve
- ideal for goat and sheep milk
- Can process up to 50ltr of milk at a time (100, 200, 500 and 1000ltr versions aviaible)
- Custom tank width and height available at no additional charge.
- Removable covers for easy access
- Employee friendly easy to install and use
- Easy to clean manually or with CIP sprayballs
- Heat product with instant hot water heater, glycol, or steam or hot water boiler system
- Cool the product using tap water, glycol, chilled water reserve tank, an ice-builder or plate chiller
All equipment may be made to meet requirements of any clients.